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Augusto Dignity
Augusto Dignity
Mensagens : 3
Data de inscrição : 23/09/2021

Tired out Empty Tired out

23/9/2021, 23:17
I've participated a few times in other communities.
I don't have much to say, but this phrase defines me:
“I was drawn to all the wrong things: I liked to drink, I was lazy, I didn't have a god, politics, ideas, ideals. I was settled into nothingness; a kind of non-being, and I accepted it. I didn't make for an interesting person. I didn't want to be interesting, it was too hard. What I really wanted was only a soft, hazy space to live in, and to be left alone. On the other hand, when I got drunk I screamed, went crazy, got all out of hand. One kind of behavior didn't fit the other. I didn't care.”

― Charles Bukowski

No, I haven't read any books by Charles Bukowski.
Pornography has taken away everything I have, my will to live, to dream, to love...
I'm thinking I can get over this
Mensagens : 1122
Data de inscrição : 25/03/2016

Tired out Empty Re: Tired out

24/9/2021, 05:11
Dont´t worry, bro!

There is a way to freedom. It's not easy, but it's posssible. Freedom is hard to conquer, especially when we spend many years like slaves.

If you don't speak portuguese, I strongly recommend that you look for another forum, in english.

Forum.nofap is a good idea. Take a look.

Blessings in your way . Very Happy Very Happy


Augusto Dignity gosta desta mensagem

Augusto Dignity
Augusto Dignity
Mensagens : 3
Data de inscrição : 23/09/2021

Tired out Empty First day without garbage

24/9/2021, 11:53
Good morning, today is my first day without pornography, at the moment i preferred to mode easy.
Spend a few days to detoxify.

ironmaiden2244 gosta desta mensagem

Augusto Dignity
Augusto Dignity
Mensagens : 3
Data de inscrição : 23/09/2021

Tired out Empty Re: Tired out

25/9/2021, 14:52
Good afternoon, today is my second day without pornography.
I've tried other challenges in NOFAP, but as I said I wasn't successful.
I'm in easy mode, my main goal today is just to get rid of pornography.

Although, for those first few weeks, I intend not to masturbate. I believe I can do this
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